Featured Work
Here are a few examples of past projects, commissioned reports, and coverage of our work. Our work has been published or covered in The Washington Post, Democracy, Washington Monthly, Social Science Quarterly, Inside Philanthropy, and Newsweek.
Learning from Transpartisan Coalitions
Evaluation of foundation investments in "strange bedfellows" coalitions on climate change, with support from the Hewlett Foundation.
Scaling Up Community Engagement in Health Care
EQUIPA trained and advised five health equity organizations working together to define and measure high-quality community engagement and learn from cases of successful implementation. INSPIRE is a collaborative of the Camden Coalition, Community Catalyst, the Center for Advance Consumer Partnership, PFCCpartners, the Institute for Patient- and Family-Centered Care, and people with lived experience.
Defending Local Democracy
Evaluation of innovative efforts by funders, organizers, and policy advocates to defend local democracy against state preemption, with support from Ford Foundation.
How Red States are Steamrolling Blue Cities
Analysis of preemption as a democracy reform issue, with support from New America and the Ford Foundation. Co-authored with Maresa Strano of New America.